I. Sokolov - Rapport
Pawns are falling: 31...Nxg2! A large-scale open tournament is finishing on the Isle of Man.
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Caruana - Jones
And forks, and pins, and it’s necessary to take something: 26.Rxc7! A large-scale open tournament is under way on the Isle of Man.
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Gelfand - Zatonskih
Blunder of a day: after an incautious 35.Rf2? (the right move is 35.Rfd3 with a big advantage) 35...Rc5! 36.Qe2 Qc6+ White lost a piece.
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Aronian - Ding Liren
To find a gap in the defenсes: 19.Ng6! Levon Aronian became a twofold winner of the World Cup.
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Lampert - Sutovsky
Time to counterattack: 43...Na3+! 44.bxa3 Rc3! An outstanding in its line-up open tournament is under way on the Isle of Man.
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Carlsen - Xiong
Black could have defended himself in a beautiful way: 31...Qd8! 32.Rxe6 Qxf6 33.Rxf6 Rc8 winning back a piece, but after 31...Kg8? 32.Qxh6 Qb4 33.Kh1! the World Champion celebrated his victory.
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Visakh - Eljanov
After 26...Rxe2! 27.Qxe2 Qxd4 the rook on h1 still remained in a trap. A starry open tournament is under way on the Isle of Man.
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Caruana - Kramnik
After 26.h4! White’s threats happened to be more dangerous. A game of two rating favorites at the start of the Isle of Man Open was decided by an ingenious lot.
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Aronian - Vachier-Lagrave
A piece for an open file and a check threat: 15.Bc4!? World Cup finalists are determined in the capital of Georgia.
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Ding Liren - So
37.Rh8! Rc7 38.Rdd8! Rxc5 39.e5 led to a big advantage for White, but Ding Liren missed his chance like his opponent the day before. World Cup finalists will be determined on tie-break.
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So - Ding Liren
Sacrificing exchange 41.Rxb3! would have given White fine chance to win, but Wesley didn’t take a risk to give up material, and after 41.Kc3? Nd4 42.gxf6 Rh2! Black survived. The World Cup semi-final started in the capital of Georgia.
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Banja Vrujci
Parligras - Georgiev
The black pieces turned out to be overloaded with troubles: 19.Nxe6! The national Team Championship is taking place in Serbia.
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