Сarlsen - Inarkiev
He that fears checks must not play blitz! After a sudden 27...Ne3+!!?? the World Champion moved is king to avoid check... The World Blitz Championship is taking place in Saudi Arabia.
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Fedoseev - Carlsen
An unexpected study: White could have been saved by a knight sacrifice 74.Nb3!; in the game Black won after 74.Ke2? a3!. The World Rapid Championship finished in Saudi Arabia.
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Karjakin - Esipenko
Ships of all flags will come to us: 22...Qb3! The World Rapid Championship is taking place in Saudi Arabia.
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Jobava - Wang Hao
There's never been anything like this before, and now here we go again: 20.Nc6! The World Rapid Championship started in Saudi Arabia.
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Esipenko - Shirov
Bishop b7 sends his regards to the white king: 21...Nxe4! 22.fxe4 Qe5. The Nutcracker Generation Tournament finished in the Central Chess Club.
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Gelfand - Artemiev
Cutting up a pawn chain: 43...Qxf4!! 44.Qb7+ Kh6 45.Qe4 Qf1+! The Central Chess Club hosts the Nutcracker Generation Tournament.
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Kovalevskaya - Goltseva
A small combination, which began with 21.Nxe6!, brought White an extra pawn. The Central Chess Club hosts the Nutcracker Generation Tournament.
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Esipenko - Mamedyarov
Development is more important than sham weaknesses: 17...g5! 18.Nf5 Bxf5 19.exf5 Rad8. The Central Chess Club hosts the Nutcracker Generation Tournament.
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Oparin - Mamedyarov
Exchanges? Didn’t her about it: 22...Rc3! The Central Chess Club hosts the Nutcracker Generation Tournament.
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Inarkiev - Jaracz
To fork and not to get checkmated: 35.Re8! Qh4 36.g3! Qxh3 37.Nf6+ Kg7 38.Nxd5 Bxd5 39.Qc3+ f6 40.Be4. Poland hosts the European Rapid Championship.
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Saint Petersburg
Volkov - Vitiugov
White’s black-square fiasco: 14...Rxe3! 15. Bxg4 Rxc3+! with a decisive edge. The Russian Championships Superfinals finished in Saint Petersburg.
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Saint Petersburg
Fedoseev - Svidler
An impetuous check 63.Ra5+? cost White his game: 63...Kf6, and there is no 64.Rf5+ because of 64...Kg6! The Russian Championships Superfinals are finishing in Saint Petersburg.
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