Motylev - Malakhov
White's attack started with 23.Bf6! Alexander Motylev becomes a sole leader of the Higher League.
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Savina - Kashlinskaya
A textbook example of chess geometry: 25.Rxd7!!
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Nisipeanu - So
White cavalry is outflanking the enemy: 11.Ng5! Ne5 12.Nb5!! A traditional tournament started in Germany.
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Popov - Khairullin
An ideal moment for a counterattack: 24...Nxb3! 25.Qxb3 Qxd3 26.Nf5 Qxe4. The Russian Higher League goes on in Kaliningrad.
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Motylev - Pridorozhni
Black is complerely helpless despite his queen's desperate efforts: 22.g3! Qg5 23.h4 Qd8 24.Nde3 Qa5 25.Nxg4, and White wins.
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Shimanov - Alekseev
A discovered check is like a rifle on a wall: 21...Nd3! 22.Rf1 Rxf2+!
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Kashlinskaya - Ustich
After 26.Nb5! Nxc4 27.Nc7! Black loses a piece. The Russian Higher League started in Kaliningrad.
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Aronian - Caruana
Black decided to win a pawn by 39...Qxg3+ 40.Kxg3 Ne4+, but after 41.Kf4 Nxf6 42.Ke5 ended up in big trouble.
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Anand - Vachier-Lagrave
White had already sacrificed a piece, now he gives away another one: 21.g5! Qxg3 22.Rd3! with decisive threats. The Stavanger supertournament goes on.
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Anand - Carlsen
Exchange sacrifice is Anand's favorite tool: after 34.h4! Bxf1 35.Rxf1 White has a decisive attack. A third loss for Magnus Carlsen on his home soil!
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Khismatullin - Pashikian
After 36.Bxc6! bxc6 37.bxc6 Black is forced to return a piece and continue without a pawn. Denis Khismatullin leads the Asrian Memorial.
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Linchevski - Bocharov
After 21.Rac1! Nxe3 22.Rxc7! White developed a strong attack. The Alekhine Memorial continues in Voronezh.
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