Caruana - Naiditsch
Black cannot defend his lonely king after 37.Qb4! Candidate for the world champion's title joins the leaders in Germany.
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Styazhkina - Yezhel
Point-blank shot: there's no escape for the black king after 39.Rf5+! Chess Amateurs Tournament is taking place in Krasnodar Krai.
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Aronian - Naiditsch
The knight's big journey: 32.Ne6! Rc8 33.Nd8 d5 34.Nc6! A traditional super tournament is taking place in Germany.
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Meier - Caruana
Avoiding distraction by material things: Black is winning by force after 33...Rh3! 34. Rxe6 Rxg3+. A traditional super tournament is taking place in Germany.
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Bluebaum - Vitiugov
White has to pay too great a price to defend against the checkmate after 25...Ra3!. A traditional super tournament started in Germany.
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