Speed Chess Championship
Fedoseev - Firouzja
Fork + fork: 26.Ne7+!
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Bluebaum - Mendonca
Bearer of bad news: 28.Bh5!
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Speed Chess Championship
Carlsen - Maghsoodloo
As a surprise: 39.Bxh5!
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Dardha - Nguyen Thai Dai Van
Bishops versus rooks: 30.Rc6!?
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Kovanova - Afonasieva
Hide-and-seek: 25.g4!
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Online US Championship
Xiong - Robson
Pot shot: 27.Bxg6!
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Online US Championship
Lenderman - Shankland
Fighting knights: 22...Nef3!
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Khokhlova - Guseva
Double X-ray: 40.Rxc6!
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Zherebtsova - Dubnikova
Baiting: 21.g3? Ng5!
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Online Asian Nations Cup
Jumabayev - Adhiban
Wait: 26...Qb7!
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Bivol - Schepetkova
Who goes to see people in the morning: 41.Kb6.
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Online Asian Nations Cup
A. Smirnov - Taher
Recreational geometry: 18...Nxe4+!
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