9 December 2018

Online Registration for King Salman World Rapid and Blitz Championships-2018 Opened

Event to take place in Saint Petersburg on December 25-31.

The King Salman World Rapid and Blitz Championships-2018 will be held in Saint Petersburg from December 25 (arrival) till December 31 (departure), 2018. 

The registration system for the King Salman World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships-2018 is working. Please use the following link: https://wrbc2018registration.fide.com/.


Dear chess friends,

Please be informed that the invitation letter for Russian Embassies will be available for download at the online registration system https://wrbc2018registration.fide.com, under section B. Registrations. Please note that the download option will be available only for accredited participants that based on the submitted country of passport, they are required to have a visa to enter Russia.

You will be able to proceed with the visa procedure from December, the 10th.

·      A participant may apply for visa either in his home country or abroad. 

·      The main condition is to apply for a Russian visa only in official institutions, such as the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy, Consulate-General or an official Visa Application Center.

·      Other institutions and travel agencies offering their services will have no access to the information regarding the World Rapid & Blitz Chess Championships. 

·      When applying for a Russian visa, alongside with a complete set of documents requested by the Embassy, participants must provide the official invitationfrom the Russian Chess Federation.This invitation was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is the main basis for issuing a visa that substitutes for a telex/ reference number.

Registration of the Reigning National Champions 2018

Dear chess friends,

Please note, that each Reigning National Champions 2018 should provide a proof of the title via National Federations.

The official letter from your National Federation need to be sent to RCF official representative Artem Pugachev pugachev@ruchess.ru in order to be accredited.

The guaranteed prize fund is USD 1,000,000: FIDE Open World Rapid Championship - USD 350,000, FIDE Open World Blitz Championship - USD 350,000, FIDE Women’s World Rapid Championship - USD 150,000, FIDE Women’s World Blitz Championship - USD 150,000.

The following players are eligible to participate in R&B:

- The players rated at least 2500 (2200 in the women's events) in any of the FIDE rating lists (Standard, Rapid or Blitz) from January 1st to December 1st 2018;

- The reigning National Champions representing their National Federation regardless of their title or rating.

Each participant shall pay an ENTRY FEE to the Organizer. The deadline for early registrations is December 15, 2018. The entry fee for these registrations will be 100 USD. The late registrations will be accepted till December 22, and will cost 200 USD.

Open events:

Rapid: Swiss system, 15 rounds (15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move, starting from move 1); 

Blitz: Swiss system, 21 rounds (3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move, starting from move 1).

Women's events:

Rapid: Swiss system, 12 rounds (15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move, starting from move 1);

Blitz: Swiss system, 17 rounds (3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move, starting from move 1).

The Opening Ceremony will take place on December 25.  

Information for the participants 


Dear chess friends,

Please note that all the details about the upcoming the King Salman World Rapid & Blitz Chess Championships-2018 will be updated via FIDE and RCF websites on the regular basis. 

There is no need to send your applications to FIDE secretariat or RCF secretariat.




The online REGISTRATION system will be available on December 7, 2018 on FIDE website as well as on RCF website. 

Information on VISA SUPPORT will be shared with you on December 10, 2018 after finalizing all the details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in order to make the visa obtaining process easy and secure.


Each participant shall pay an ENTRY FEE to the Organizer. The deadline for early registrations is December 15, 2018. The entry fee for these registrations will be 100 USD. The late registrations will be accepted till December 22, and will cost 200 USD.

Bank details for entry fee

*The banking details can be downloaded in the system for your convenience


Общероссийская общественная организация «Российская шахматная федерация»

119019, Moscow, Russia, Gogolevskiy boulevard, 14, build.1

119019, г. Москва, Гоголевский бульвар, д.14, стр.1

Payment reference:Tournament (registration) fee for participation in FIDE World Rapid and Blitz ChessChampionships 2018, not subject to VAT.

Назначение платежа: Оплата турнирного (регистрационного) взноса за участие в чемпионатах мира ФИДЕ по рапиду и блицу 2018, не облагается НДС.

Please state your name in the bank transfer to identify a payer.


USD Account

Beneficiary customer:  RUSSIAN CHESS FEDERATION



Dollar Account: 40703840638260200813

Bank correspondent:  The Bank of New York Mellon New York, NY


RUR account:

Наименование организации: ООО «Российская шахматная федерация»

ИНН 7704016433    КПП 770401001

Банк: ПАО СБЕРБАНК, г. Москва

Расчетный счет 40703810438260100813

Кор. счет 30101810400000000225

БИК 044525225                                   



The venue and the official hotels will be announced after December 10th, 2018.







25 Dec 2018




25 Dec 2018

Opening Ceremony



25 Dec 2018

Technical Meeting



26 Dec 2018

Rapid - day 1



27 Dec 2018

Rapid - day 2



28 Dec 2018

Rapid - day 3



29 Dec 2018

Blitz - day 1



30 Dec 2018

Blitz - day 2



30 Dec 2018

Closing Ceremony



31 Dec 2018





*Approximate time. It can start later if the tie-break for the first place is played or there is any delay during the last playing session.





Mark Glukhovsky, IO


RCF contact person

Artem Pugachev, 

Email: pugachev@ruchess.ru



Eteri Kublashvili

Tel.: +7 905 791 76 51

Email: kublashvili@yandex.ru



All the contact information will be announced later.

FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich: "I would like to thank our partners for supporting us in a tense moment and helping us organize the World Rapid and Blitz Championships with a decent prize fund within a very short time in one of the most beautiful cities of the world. The world top chess players including Magnus Carlsen are expected to take part in the Championships. Welcome to Saint Petersburg! I wish a bright play and good luck to all the participants!" 

RCF President Andrey Filatov: "It is a great honor for us that FIDE has entrusted holding such popular and prestigious competitions as the World Rapid and Blitz Championships among men and women to us. In spite of being limited in time for the preparation, we will do our best to organize this event in our country on the highest level possible as always. We will be happy to see everyone, and let the strongest win!"
