21 April 2015

Russia beats China 3-1 at the Women's Teams

After three rounds our team shares the 2nd place.

In the third round of the Women's World Team Championship Russia defeated China 3-1. Alexandra Kosteniuk defeated Ju Wenjun, Olga Girya won against Lei Tingjie, Natalia Pogonina drew with Tan Zhongyi, Alexandra Goryachkina drew with Shen Yang. 

Georgia defeated Poland 2.5-1.5 and took a sole lead. Armenia defeated Egypt 3-1. Ukraine drew with India, and USA drew with Kazakhstan. 

Standings after the round 3:

1. Georgia – 5 (8.5 board points), 2-3. Russia and USA – both 4 (7), 4. Poland – 3 (7), 5-7. China, Armenia, and Ukraine – all 3 (6), 8. Kazakhstan – 3 (5), 9. India – 2 (5,5), 10. Egypt – 0 (2).

Round 4 pairings:

India-Russia, Egypt-China, Poland-Armenia, Kazakhstan-Georgia, Ukraine-USA.