9 November 2015

Alexander Alekhine Chess Club in Pushkin Celebrates its 25th Anniversary

Grandmaster Daniil Linchevsky won a blitz tournament dedicated to the date.

The Alexander Alekhine municipal chess club in Pushkin, Leningrad Region, celebrated its 25th anniversary on November 7. A blitz tournament dedicated to the significant date was organized on the next day, attended by 26 players, including a number of grandmasters and international masters. 

The leaders were rotating many times over the course of the event, but after 11 rounds there were two grandmasters standing on the top: Daniil Linchevsky and Valery Popov. Linchevsky's tie-break was better, and he received the first place. Maxim Matlakov, a former pupil of the club, finished half a point behind them. 

Mr. Rumyantsev, principal of the club, spoke about the history of the Alekhine Chess Club and awarded the prize-winners of the strongest tournament ever organized in the club.