21 May 2016

Knight Move Exhibition Opens In All-Russian Decorative Art Museum

Andrey Filatov participated in the ceremony.

On May 21, the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum opened a Knight Move exhibition – a chess art oriented exhibition provided by RCF Chess Museum. The opening ceremony saw a number of honored guests, including RCF President Andrey Filatov, legendary grandmaster Yury Averbakh, RCF Executive Director Mark Glukhovsky, RCF Chess Museum curator Dr Dmitry Oleinikov, and Decorative Art Museum Director Elena Titova together with the exhibition manager Elena Alaeva.

Many unique items are featured, including Caucasus People chess set from Paris Expo 1900. The visitors of the exhibition will be able to play chess on specially installed tables and watch the Chess Fever film made in 1925, with Jose Raul Capablanca playing himself.

The exhibition is open until October 11.