26 May 2017

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: I am Ready to Become a U.S. Citizen

FIDE President answered Vasily Papin’s questions.

We publish an abridged version of FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s interview at papinchess.ru.

- Kirsan Nikolayevich, what are your impressions of the Moscow FIDE Grand Prix leg? 
- The main thing is that 18 strongest chess players were fighting to eventually сhallenge Magnus Carlsen. They were obviously fighting hard, there were not so many passing draws. As FIDE President, I’m content with both the play and organization. 
The most important thing for me is to stay away from scandals and maintain a good level of organization. Chess players’ primary goal is to win Grand Prix Series to qualify into the Candidates Tournament and then into the World Chess Championship Match. 
All chess players, who I managed to talk it over with during the event, qualified the conditions as fine. They highly appreciated the hotel Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow, food and the venue in the center of Moscow. 
I’m very pleased with the fact that one of the most important international chess tournaments was taking place in the Capital of Russia. Moscow is a world-famous center of chess development and popularization.   
- But what if we compare it with the first FIDE Grand Prix leg in Sharjah?
- It is all right. I look at the situation from the point of view of FIDE Governing Body. The players shall play, the organizers shall fulfill the conditions. 
- This is from organizers’ point of view. But what about chess players? There were many short draws in Sharjah. In Moscow there were more fighting games, but still the spectators want more. 

- If you happen to recall, my wish at the Opening Ceremony was not to end up with that many draws. Our spectators are thirsty for blood! They want the players to play till the last bullet without any easy draws. This is my wish. 
But it is chess players’ business whether they prefer to make short draws. Some players want to avoid losses, others yet not to ditch rating points… Each chess player has his own plans.
- What is your attitude towards Agon’s claim for exclusive rights to broadcast games? 
- This is the FIDE Presidential Board and General Assembly’s decision. 
Of course, the approach must be very cautious and careful in this case. The discussion has started a long time ago, we can mention Evgeny Sveshnikov here. I wouldn’t like to speak black and white, but there must be a progress. Why do we need exclusive privileges? Because it is organizers who bear the coasts, who look for money and find it. Exclusive rights are important for them, for example, by analogy with football, where a company that wins a tender procedure has an exclusive right of broadcasting.
At the same time, I agree that football is a sports event, a real show. Its system is well in place. The situation in chess is different, and many things need to be done. 

- Is there a bright spot in your lawsuit against the U.S. Department of the Treasury? And what are you doing to overcome this crisis?  
- I have spoken to the lawyers recently. Unfortunately, the work of the U.S. Department of the Treasury was paralyzed at the final stage of the Presidential elections in Autumn. Some Department officers left, new ones didn’t come… At present, the U.S. Department of the Treasury is understaffed, which explains a slight delay in the progress of my case. 
Nevertheless, the process has been activated recently. We correspond on a regular basis. My representatives hold meetings at the U.S. Department of the Treasury in Washington, D.C. 
Therefore, my case has not been swept under the carpet. Moreover, there is my suit to defend my honor, dignity and business reputation. I hope, that the new U.S. Administration will make a balanced decision.
What I see as the most important is that the U.S. Department of Treasurу acknowledge the fact of its having rechanneled me to the U.S. Department of State as a purely political decision linked with the FIDE Presidential elections of 2014, when Garry Kasparov was striving to seize power in FIDE. It has nothing to do with any financial violations or the like. This is the root of all evil.  
Since it is a political decision, I am going to fight on and demand its cancellation. I keep declaring that I am ready to go to the USA to testify no matter where, be it CIA, FBI, or the U.S. Department of State. 
I do not mind becoming a U.S. citizen to be admitted into court since the US legislation does not entitle a foreigner to sue the state. I’m ready to apply for a temporary residence permit to have my innocence proved. The US President is entitled to grant it by legislation.  
In that case, I will be proving my innocence at court. Should the other side prove me guilty in having violated the U.S. legislation or having otherwise committed some wrongdoing against their country, let them put me in jail for some 10-20 years, even send me to the electric chair.
- Won’t this conflict influence your election campaign, making your reelection more difficult?
- No, it won’t. Everything will be easy. I don’t see any problems at all. I’ve been traveling a lot these days, watching how everything is working in different countries where my programs have been launched. The thing is how much you give, not how much you promise. 
- Have you settled your conflict with FIDE Deputy President Georgios Makropoulos? 
- There is a mere name of a conflict… They think they are the ones to set the rules, that they are Gods. Indeed, Mount Olympus is nearby. But it all happened to be a false start. Nonetheless, I bear them no hard feelings. We are human beings after all.