February 12-15, 2016
Zurich Chess Challenge
The event takes place on February 12-15 in Zurich.
The players are Vishy Anand (India), Vladimir Kramnik (Russia), Hikaru Nakamura (USA), Levon Aronian (Armenia), Anish Giri (Netherlands), and Alexei Shirov (Latvia).
The new time control introduced by the world's oldest chess club and the main sponsor of the event, Oleg Skvortsov, is 40 minutes plus 10 seconds per move for the entire game. Winning in these "neoclassical" time control games will earn the players 2 points, a draw would give 1 point. In blitz games the players will receive 1 point for a win and 0.5 point for a draw.
The opening ceremony of the event begins at 8 pm Moscow time. It will feature a concert with the worldwide famous cellist Boris Andrianov, classical guitarist Dmitry Illarionov, and violinist Alena Baeva.
A blitz tournament will be used as a drawing of lots tool, and it will also run during the opening ceremony.
Tournament schedule (Moscow time)
February 13: round 1 at 5 pm, round 2 ar 8 pm
February 14: round 3 at 5 pm, round 4 at 8 pm
February 15: round 5 at 5 pm, blitz tournament with colors reversed at 8 pm, closing ceremony at 10 pm
A two-game match between Boris Gelfand (Israel) and Alexander Morozevich (Russia) will also be held during the event, in order to promote the new time control. If tied after two games, the players proceed to two blitz games and then the Armageddon.
Entering the playing hall if free of charge.
Sponsors: Zurich Chess Club, IGC International Gemological Laboratories.
The defending champion of 2015 is Hikaru Nakamura, who defeated Vishy Anand on tie-break.
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