22 June 2015

Training Camp of Russian Chess School Finished in Moscow Region

More than 30 children participated at the session.

From May 29 to June 2 Russian chess school gathered more than 30 young chess players at the sports and recreation complex Gorizont in Moscow region. This session included not only traditional lectures, tournaments, group and individual chess practices, but also general physical trainings and entertainment program.

The session is attended by children with various chess level: there are champions, who study chess every day in Moscow, and those who are here for the first time and haven't showed high results yet. Communication between children helps them to soak up the creative atmosphere, which is the main purpose of the training camp.

"We started organizing training camps in 2013, and now we strive to host them each 3 months. Surely it is the most efficient form of work: it encourages children to study chess. It can be said that some of them live from one session to another", says Georgy Kastanieda, the main coach of Russian chess school.

Thanks to the unique atmosphere, concentrated effort and children's fascination coaches of the school can teach young players in one week things that would require up to three months of study in Moscow.

"Usually we have a steady group of students", specifies Georgy Kastanieda. "And when new students come, we quickly get to know them, determine their chess level in a few minutes, and enlist them to appropriate groups.” 

"Here I like our evening activities the most. They run in a fun way. For instance two-move chess puzzles or team events", tells one of the session participant, 10-years old Sasha. “For example, two people play together as Black or White. Discussions are forbidden, everyone can make one move. Though I enjoy playing alone much more: other team member not always understands my ideas. Yesterday we argued for 47 seconds and finally made a bad move. It is good that eventually we managed to win."

"We spent a week here. Everything is great! Excellent food, correct teaching and great leisure activities, many sports and logic games", says Marina Ryabchikova, mother of a student. "The most important is that children are taken care of not to observe formalities. Coaches have a program tailored to the individual student's needs: little ones are not overloaded, they can get free earlier. Sparring games are arranged too. Just a perfect training camp!"

Information presented by Anton Kuzin