2 July 2015

Vladislav Artemiev and Marina Guseva Win the Higher League

Five best players from each event qualified for the Superfinal.

Vladislav Artemiev wins the men's event
Vladislav Artemiev wins the men's event
Men's competition

Even a last round victory as Black did not allow Vladimir Fedoseev (2674) to claim his spot at the Superfinal, as he remained 7th due to inferior tie-break. Draws on the top four boards secured qualification for Vladislav Artemiev (2660), Alexander Motylev (2643), Ivan Bukavshin (2647), Ildar Khairullin (2653), and Daniil Dubov (2661). Ivan Popov (2647) got the unlucky 6th place.

Artemiev, Motylev, Bukavshin 6.5
Khairullin, Dubov, Popov, Fedoseev, Zvjaginsev, Sjugirov 6
Kobalia, Ponkratov, Riazantsev, Inarkiev, Najer, Kokarev 5.5

Women's competition

Unlike men's event, even the last round produced a number of decisive games, including the leaders' clash: Anastasia Bodnaruk (2428), playing White, lost to Marina Guseva (2410). This victory allowed Guseva to win the tournament a full point ahead of the nearest rival. Alina Kashlinskaya (2432) drew as Black against the rating favorite Ekaterina Kovalevskaya (2461) and finished on a clear second place. Apart from Guseva and Kashlinskaya, three other players qualified for the Superfinal: Anastasia Savina (2422), Anastasia Bodnaruk (2428), and Evgenija Ovod (2313). The experienced Svetlana Matveeva (2366) and Oksana Gritsyaeva (2321) also collected 6 points, but did not qualify due to inferior tie-break score.

Guseva 7.5
Kashlinskaya 6.5
Savina, Bodnaruk, Ovod, Drogovoz, Matveeva, Gritsayeva 6
Pustovoitova, Kovalevskaya, Styazhkina, Balaian, Tomilova, Belenkaya 5.5