5 August 2017

Game 2 of Inarkiev vs. Gelfand Match Ended in a Draw

The score is 3-1 in favor of the Israeli grandmaster.

On August 4, the second game of the Gelfand vs. Inarkiev match, which is a part of the Tower Concord Festival, was played at the Palace of Culture of Nazran, the biggest city of the Republic of Ingushetia. The Russian grandmaster played with white pieces. Like the day before, the opponents discussed the English Opening, but chose the line which had been often played by Viktor Korchnoi. Gelfand prepared a breakthrough d7-d5 with the help of a long queen’s maneuver from a5 to h5 and opened the centre. After a series of exchanges, Black got an isolated pawn c6, but it was compensated by an active play of his pieces. Besides, the White’s rook got stuck at a1.  

As it was in the previous match, Gelfand is demonstrating that he is ready to sacrifice material for the initiative without hesitation: he decided not to cling to c6 pawn and started an assault on the kingside. The key moment happened on move 24, when Black’s pieces were threatening to the white king. After longtime speculations, Inarkiev found a witty defense which looked very risky, but it did happen to be the only chance to carry on fighting. Black could have achieved an advantage, but it was necessary for him to calculate very difficult computer lines. Gelfand chose a calmer way, but due to this delay White managed to escape danger: Inarkiev finished development and retained an extra pawn. Two active bishops, in the presence of an open centre, allowed Black to have a certain compensation for the material, but Gelfand lost the thread of the game for a while, and his position became evidently worse.  

A time trouble was coming; on move 34 White made a serious mistake and had to give up the exchange. But his position was so good that even after the blunder Inarkiev had fine chances to make a draw. Black transferred the play into an endgame, but didn’t manage to shake the opponent’s defense and to strengthen his pieces’ position significantly. The draw was agreed on move 47. The score is 3-1 in favor of Boris Gelfand. 

On August 5, the opponents will play 4 rapid games: two games with the time control 25 minutes plus 10 seconds per move and two games with he time control 10 minutes plus 10 seconds per move. Also the children’s tournament Hopes of Caucasus starts on August 5. 

Technical information

Tournament information  

Photos by Vladimir Barsky