13 May 2015

Pavel Ponkratov leads in the Russian Rapid Championship

Karina Ambartsumova is ahead in the women's championship.

First five rounds of the Russian Rapid Championships in St. Petersburg are in the books. The young grandmaster Pavel Ponkratov leads with the perfect score. Half a point behind is Ernesto Inarkiev. The following players have 4 points: Sergey Grischenko, Vadim Zvjaginsev, Ivan Popov, Boris Savchenko, and Vladimir Fedoseev. 

Karina Ambartsumova leads the women's championship with 4.5/5. Half a point behind are Alexandra Goryachkina, Evgenia Ovod, Darya Pustovojtova, and Ekaterina Ubiennykh. 

The final six rounds will be played on May 14.