8 January 2020

Third Game of FIDE Women's World Championship Match is Drawn

Balance is maintained.

The third game of the FIDE Women's World Championship Match between Ju Wenjun (China) and Aleksandra Goryachkina (Russia) was played in Shanghai on January 8 after a short break. 

First symbolic moves were made by Shan Xiali, Director of the Shanghai Board and Card Games Administrative Centre, President of the Shanghai Chess Academy, and Wang Lianyun, President of the Shanghai Xiangqi Association. 

Aleksandra Goryachkina had the white pieces. The Semi-Tarrasch Defense was played, where White got a slight edge after the opening as she had more space. Both sides were acting precisely and solidly. At one point, Black could have launched a tactical blow to grab the initiative but Ju Wenjun opted for another continuation. In a tough maneuvering fight, the Russian managed to outplay her opponent who lost a pawn several moves prior to the time control.

Nevertheless, there were certain chances for a draw in the position with queens and rooks, and after a series of trades, Ju Wenjun managed to achieve a peaceful outcome in the rook endgame. A draw was agreed on move 85. 

The score is 1.5-1.5.  

The fourth game will be played on January 9 with Ju Wenjun having the white pieces. 

Official website

Tournament page

Photos by Eteri Kublashvili