Mamedov - Bharath
Big races: 29.Ne3 Rcc7 30.Nc2 e5 31.Na1!? Ke6 32.Nb3. Rauf Mamedov becomes the sole leader of the Aeroflot Open 2020.
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Paravyan - Wagner
Pressing against the ropes: 29.f4 Bh8 30.Ng7! The traditional Aeroflot Open is taking place in Moscow.
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J. Van Foreest - Dziuba
You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs: 24.Rxe6! The 7th round of the Chess Bundesliga took place in Germany.
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Vidit - Navara
According to Tartakower, capitulation has never saved a game. Having played 32...Rd8!, Black complicated the opponent's task to win and even achieved victory in 32 moves! The international festival is taking place in the capital of the Czech Republic.
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Sindarov - Jumabayev
A breach in the defence: 25.Re8+ Bf8 26.Ne4!, and Black resigned not waiting for the checks from f6 and g1. The traditional Aeroflot Open started in Moscow.
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Cernousek - Kriebel
Minority attack: 33.d5! Bxd5 34.Qa5. The international festival is taking place in the capital of the Czech Republic.
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Roshka - V. Kryvoruchko
A very old tale: 14.Ng5! Henryk Friedman Memorial is taking place in Ukraine.
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Saint Louis
Dzagnidze - Kosteniuk
Classical weakness of the first rank. Step by step, Black converted her advantage in the endgame after 33...Nxd4!. The 2020 Cairns Cup is drawing to its close in the USA.
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Kriebel - Piorun
«I would give up such a bishop only if somebody held a pistol to my head» (E. Bareev). Soon after 41.Bxс5? dxc5 the white king found itself in a mating net. The international festival is taking place in the capital of the Czech Republic.
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Piorun - Esipenko
Catching the queen. Black went into the offensive after 48.h4? Re6! 49.Qg5 Rd5 50.Qc1 Rd3. The international festival is taking place in the capital of the Czech Republic.
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Saint Louis
Kosteniuk - M. Muzychuk
The practice of her system. White consolidated her advantage after 28.а5 Rf6 29.Rc5. The 2020 Cairns Cup is going on in the USA.
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Vitiugov - Anton Guijarro
Contrary to the Tarrasch principle - a decisive 38.Na6! is threatening with a capture of the black rook and a breakthrough of the passed pawn. The international festival has started in the capital of the Czech Republic.
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