23 April 2018

Russian Team Wins European Senior Championship

Russian women's team is second in 50+ category

The European Senior Team Championship finished in Walbrzych, Poland.

Having won all 9 matches, the Russian national team (Yuri Balashov, Vladimir Zhelnin, Gennady Tunik, Nikolai Pushkov, and Alexander Lisenko) took the first place in 65+ category.  Germany is second with 15 match points. Sweden-1 came third with 12 points. 

Italy won the 50+ category tournament with 18 points. The Russian women's team (Galina Strutinskaia, Tatiana Grabuzova, Nina Sirotkina, Elena Fatalibekova, and Elena Sazonova) is second with 16 points. Belgium finished on the 3rd place. 

Tournament on Chess-Results

Official website

We congratulate Russian chess players with their success at the European Senior Team Championship!