23 August 2017

Novosibirsk Hosts the Russian Student Championship

Regional children's competition started as well.

The Russian Student Championship, which was officially opened on August 22, is taking place in the Research Library of Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU).  

The organizers are the Novosibirsk Oblast Chess Federation, Department of Physical Culture and Sport of Novosibirsk Oblast with support of Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, the Russian Student Sports Union, the National Student Chess League, RATM Holding, and NSTU. 

The Governor of Novosibirsk Oblast Vladimir Gorodetsky greeted the guests and participants at the Opening Ceremony. 

"We welcome the best students of Russia", said the Governor. "It is nice to recognize Novosibirsk as one of the most noticeable cities on the chess map of Russia. In 2016, our city hosted the Russian Championships Superfinal, the Governor Cup among students and schoolchildren is being held on a traditional basis. I am sure that there will be a high organizational level in NSTU, and the strongest ones will win". 

40 sportsmen from 12 regions, including grandmasters and prize-winners of many tournaments, are taking part in the Russian Student Championship. They will determine the winners both in team and individual events. 

The best players will become the members of the Russian national team to participate in the World Student Championship. The winners of open and women's competitions will qualify to the Russian Championships Higher League-2018. 

The Novosibirsk Oblast Youth Championship has started simultaneously with the main event in the Research Library of NSTU. 

"In accordance with our chess development programme in Novosibirsk Oblast, in 2015-2016 we put our stake on the elite sport: Siberia won the Russian Team Championships, Novosibirsk hosted Superfinal-2016", says Pavel Maletin. "Now our priority is the children's and youth sport. Consequently, the students event complies with our strategy. In 2018, we are planning to focus on developing chess in districts and mucinical unions of Novosibirsk Oblast: within the framework of the Chess in Schools project we will provide educational institutions with chess equipment and will organize more events there".  

The Russian Student Championship will finish on August 28.  

Information by Svetlana Kozlova