10 December 2015

Alexander Grischuk Joins the Leaders of London Chess Classic

In the 6th round Alexander defeated Vishy Anand.

In the 6th round of the London Chess Classic supertournament the Russian Alexander Grischuk defeated Vishy Anand and moved to sharing 1st-4th places with Vachier-Lagrave, Giri, and Nakamura, all having 3.5 points. Other games of the round were drawn. 

Standings after 6 rounds:

Vachier-Lagrave, Giri, Grischuk, Nakamura – 3.5
Adams, Aronian, Carlsen, Caruana – 3
Anand – 2.5
Topalov – 1.5

In the 7th round Grischuk plays Black against Michael Adams.